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Chicken Cherepa (tserepa)

Written by on 15.02.2012
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Chicken Cherepa (tserepa)

Tserepa is a casserole made of clay. The chicken is prepared and put into a metal pan which is covered by the tsereoa and then surrounded by charcoal for a uniform baking.


What we need:

  • 1 chicken (or 2 depending on the size of the pan) potatoes so that it fills the space in the pan
  • 2-3 fresh tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 green peppers
  • salt, pepper, garlic, oregano
  • olive oil
  • white wine
  • lemon


How we do it:


Easy Way:

Cut the chicken in 4 (or portions).
Make a mixture with salt, pepper, garlic mashed, chicken seasoning. (Avoid putting at this phase oregano, because it blackens the meat. We put it later).
Pour the mixture into bowl and add olive oil.
Then fill with this mixture of the thighs (small holes in the skin and the meat) and the chest and under the arm.
Let the chicken overnight to marinate. Place in baking the tomatoes, cut others into large pieces and other into rings, with the tomato paste diluted in 1 glass of white wine. Put in the juice of lemon.
Add the chicken
Fill the pan with sliced potatoes, quartered, sure it is well drained by the waters of the wash.
Salt and pepper the potatoes and cut them between the two rings our bell peppers.
Cover the pan and put pan in the oven at 150-160 degrees for a half to two hours, checking whether they are ready.
Add the oregano when it is almost cooked the food.


traditional Way:
Now, those who have (or want ;) try to imitate the process of "Tserepa" with another dish the process is as follows:
In part that will cook the food (in a large fireplace, a barbecue in the garden, or brazier in the kitchen), first "burn" the tserepa. Turn on a good fire with wood and / or charcoal. Above the fire support skew the lid (or Tserepa of the hull) to "burn" very good inside. When the coals will be well lit and has produced enough ash, thoroughly clean an area, put the pan and cover it carefully. (Very carefully not to break our cap that will be very hot.
Close the lips of the hull with ashes and coals not to get any air from the outside, but also fail to leave the steam and the smell of food.
Leave the pot covered for about two and a half hours.
When you expose the food is ready.


Some secrets:

Put as many potatoes as fit. The flavor is hidden in the poatatoes! 
The lid of the pan should be such that the aromas of food being trapped in it, not "escape" to the outside. Agood substitute is a good pot with the lid of the application.

Read 9734 times Last modified on 05.11.2013
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