The traditions, customs, dialect, songs, religious festivities, art and literature are some of the important elements that we know today as folklore.
These elements change from one period to another depending on the historical events that have taken place. The long Venetian occupation influenced more than the other periods the lifestyle, dialect and customs in Ithaca creating like in the other Ionian islandsthe so-called “Eptanesian tradition”.
Ithaca a poor and barren island was not able to “keep” its population who had to become either sailors or emigrants especially during the 20th century. Since the younger population left to emigrate, the traditions and the customs started to fade out with the older ones which were left behind.
The following notes concern examples of past folklore sayings, rhymes, songs, incantations, and lamentations with some still in use today. The sources of this collection were from the memories of senior natives and a few old books about the island of Ithaca.

The wedding
Written by Ithacorama Portal
Klidonas - Fortune telling
Written by Ithacorama Portal
Children's games
Written by Ithacorama Portal
Written by Ithacorama Portal
Written by Ithacorama Portal
Folk Songs
Written by Ithacorama Portal
Written by Ithacorama PortalCarnival
Written by Ithacorama Portal