Displaying items by tag: Trekking - ithacorama.com
June 26 2015

Explore Ithaca was initiated by a group of Ithacan friens aiming at discovering the island of Ithaca, Greece and its beauties. Along the way of our explorations, we found out that hiking tourism is the ideal means of featuring our findings, for the island's attractions are hidden in paths of inexaustible natural wealth and great historical value.

on 22.10.2024
October 02 2013

Proposed hours: afternoon

Uphill path

Difficulty: medium
Duration: 3 hours
Distance: 5 klm. (1½ klm. ascending)
Start point elevation: 100 m.
Peak elevation: 510 m.
End point elevation: 1 m.
Start: Acropolis of Alalcomenae
End: Brosta Aetos
on 22.10.2024
May 29 2013

Length: 4.800 m 
Difficulty level: medium 
Proposed hours: early morning, or afternoon 

Difficulty: medium
Duration: 2 ½ hours
Distance: 5 klm.
Start point elevation: 650 m.
End point elevation: 1 m.
Start: Anogi
Stop(s): Vigla (Mills and Church)
End: Kioni
on 22.10.2024
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