Dance Group Charilaos Tsigonias

Written by on 23.02.2012
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Dance Group Charilaos Tsigonias
The dance group was founded in 1983 by the Professor of Physical Education Charilaos Tsigonias and in 2000 it was renamed 'Charilaos Tsigonias' Dance Group as a tribute and recognition to the memory of the founder and teacher.

The purposes of the Association are:

  • The development, learning and dissemination of traditional Greek folk dances, maintaining the overall cultural heritage and its transmission to future generations.
  • The development of linkages and foster relationships between members of the Association, other associations of the country and abroad.
  • The contribution to the spiritual, cultural and social development of its members and the general population of Ithaca.

2 dance groups operate. The Children's department, which involve 80 students and the mixed part of adults, involving 40 dancers. Danced dances from all over Greece.

Resources is an annual grant from the City of Ithaca, membership fees, donations and offers from friends of the Association.

The band has been very active and has given and gives many performances in Ithaca, in many cities in Greece and abroad.

The Dancing and Cultural Club of Ithaca "CHARILAOS TSIGONIAS" announces to the Ithaca Ithaca and friends that after the elections of the Association 06/02 the Council consists of the following members: Chairman John Chrysostom Manias, Aurora Petala Vice President, General Secretary Urania Mavrommatis, Tasia cripple Treasurer Birgkin Dimitriadis, Christos Grivas, Effie Molfesis States.

The purpose of the Association is to disseminate traditional Greek folk dances and folk on the island, Ithaca. Developing links and fostering relations with other local cultural associations, educational and spiritual in Greece and abroad.

The team plays by the Association participate in traditional dances at local and national celebrations, both on our island and in Athens - (Ionian Union celebrated May 21), as well as official guest host events in Ithaca, after the call of the Mayor and local authorities. Exchange it also calls for visits and participation in events with other cultural / dance clubs in Greece and abroad, including Cephalonia - Corfu - Karditsa - Country Messinia, Serbia and elsewhere.

Your presence in the dance and your participation as dancers or as members, and all your support, we needed to fulfill the purpose and continue its traditional events of our country. As with much love and passion began in the late founder of the club, our teacher Mr. Charilaos Tsigonias.


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Read 4819 times Last modified on 17.04.2015
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