Explore Ithaca Featured

Written by on 26.06.2015
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Explore Ithaca

Explore Ithaca was initiated by a group of Ithacan friens aiming at discovering the island of Ithaca, Greece and its beauties. Along the way of our explorations, we found out that hiking tourism is the ideal means of featuring our findings, for the island's attractions are hidden in paths of inexaustible natural wealth and great historical value.


The visitor has the chance to tour the places where Homer's Odysseus lived, thus coming to know the unique cultural heritage of Ithaca. At the same time, by walking the paths, the visitor may be introduced to the rare biodiversity of our island.

hiking tourism is an alternative way of touring that combines entertainment, physical well-being and adventure.

Some words about The guide Dimitris Artavanis

Routes Guide
Founder of Explore Ithaca

Dimitris Artavanis grew up on the island of Ithaca, Greece. There, from a young age up until now, he has been enganging in hiking by planning routes on the island and realizing them, while he has also been involved in various other outdoor activities.

University education - Military Service

He has studied at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens specializing in sailing, football and volleyball.

In 2011, he was conscripted by the Greek Army, where he served at the Paratroopers Special Forces.

Additional Education

Apart from his university training in sailing, he is has a license for open sea sailing and a license for motor boat, as well as a license for lifeguarding.

His knowledge of first aid is excellent as well as that of living in the wild, climbing and abseiling.


As a person who loves nautre, he has delved into discovering and recording the island's flora and fauna, for he has devoted a lot of time in watching and photographing animals and plants, even having firsts in those recordings.

Free time

His free time is devoted in a plenty of activities. Amongst them is football, as he has been a player of both the island's football teams. Now, he plays for Proodos FC. Another sport he practices is volleyball.

Both the sea and the mountain gain his attention, for one of his hobbies are free diving and trekking. Mountain biking is also one of his interests, while his familiarity with nature allows him to go camping on a regular basis.

The all-embracing activity of his is photography. Photography gives him the opportunity to record Ithaca's wondrous biodiversity and, by doing so over the course of years, he has created a great gallery of photos that he occasionally shares with people who love nature, Ithaca or both.

You can find Dimitris Artavanis on facebook. You can, also, email him: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Read 4940 times Last modified on 26.06.2015
chris ithacorama

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